We’ll it’s finally been announced that COVID restrictions will be lifted from Monday 19th July 2021.
So what does that mean?
With no venue capacity limits, parents can return to the Academy to watch, the changing rooms are back into full use and there is no requirement for a one way system in and out. The class booking system will not be required either.
Whilst it may never be normal as we knew it, we can return to pretty much as it was before restrictions were introduced.
So from Monday 19th July we will return to our old class schedule. Class start and finish times will change slightly.
The new timetable is available here.
We can also open our new second dojo (read more here), which allows us to offer a greater variety of classes, particularly on Saturdays.
Along with all your favourite sessions, we’ll be adding a Saturday pre-school Dragon Tots class for ages 3 & 4.
There will be a Saturday morning and afternoon parents/members fitness class at the same time as the Junior and Little Dragons classes. These classes will be run predominately by two parents and students, Karenne & Pam and at £1 per session are great value.
In September we’ll be launching our new Kobudo (weapons) classes too.
The only requirement of you is that you continue to exercise respect for each other, as we know you will.