Exciting News!!!!!
We are enhancing our Junior Competition Package in preparation for our own in-house competitions on the 27th Feb, followed by our Regional competitions at Whalley on 3rd April and National Competitions in Walsall later this year.
We will be opening a Beginners Competition Class on Fridays 7.00-8.00pm starting on Friday 28th January 2022.
If your child is interested in developing the competition elements of our training, then please book & secure your place by clicking this link and registering here https://mytraining.nestmanagement.co.uk/Account/Register
The current Monday evening (7.30-8.30pm) Intermediate Competition Class will continue as usual.
We are also adding and a new Elite Competition Weapons Class on Saturdays 1.30- 2.15pm , starting on Saturday 29th January, 2020.
This class will be open to junior blue belts and above and will be a FREE extra session to those students already subscribing to our competitions package